Furniture style, design and color solutions are changing and developing year by year, and the new year will be no exception. It will bring new trends and tendencies in the furniture industry.
Key specialists of KOMANDOR company will introduce to you fashionable trends of wardrobes - compartments, dressing rooms and other cabinet furniture.
Modern view of experts on the design and functionality of furniture, their tips concerning the coloring of the interior will help you to start experiments with the color palette and to combine "not-combined" things: they will help you to understand the world of the furniture, to develop your tastes and eventually correct accents
Ludmila Kovalenko
Designer- constructor
"Komandor Crimea"
In the design of wardrobes and other products from particleboard becomes fashionable to use boards with good wooden tree texture. Even the materials of light shades have darker inserts that add color and extraordinary expressiveness . Such color solutions are universal, because are suitable for any interior style, and also are very practical in usage. Doubtlessly, all the above-mentioned qualities are present in chipboard Egger made in Austria.
At present, the expression " fashionable and practical " sounds like a motto. Not surprisingly, these two concepts are inseparable, because modern customer wants a product that is not only beautiful but also comfortable in daily use.
It is difficult to ignore the interest of people in ETIUDA systems. And in the new year, we believe that popularity of such systems will only increase as they comply all the latest trends in design and look stylish and modern. And this is exactly what the customers need!
Inna Sokorynska
"Komandor Rivne"
When choosing the color boards clients often prefer dark colors ( chocolate limb and wenge ) but often ask about the classic colors, such as black and white. As for the wardrobes - compartments facade, women mostly choose the pictures, while men - lacobel and glass facades, processed using sandblast technology. As nowadays customers pay great attention to the practicality of the product, so on the wardrobe facade silver mirror is often used, though bronze is considered to be more fashionable. As facade decorations also often serve bright and interesting pictures, especially the golden images on the bronze mirror.
Today a lot of people are involved in the process of building, reconstruction and repair of facilities. At once is allocated a place for the niche, that's why wardrobes-compartments are very popular nowadays as they perfectly fit for this purpose.
Nataliya Kiver
Bila Tzerkva/Kyiv
Last year in the tendencies of furniture design prevailed brevity, ergonomics, well thought-out details, mixture of textures of natural and synthetic materials. In the color gamut dominated the next directions:
1) the so-called architectural colors: khaki, beige, colors of coffee and chocolate - shades that blend elegantly with the texture of wood. Such products fit easily into the interior and do not emphasize the attention on them, always look briefly and discreetly;
2) dashing combinations of contrasting colors: yellow and black are excellently combined with the gloss of steel, orange and light green underline the perfection of white, blue and light blue look sophisticated with deep gray, red looks luxuriously with black. Such combinations attract not only young people, but also respectable clients, help to make accents in design and become a highlight of any interior;
3) achromatic colors: white, gray, black, which at first glance seem too predictable, but in combination with other shades look amazingly well because of their variety and unexpected effects. For example, white in glossy decoration looks playful and in opaque form looks restrained and elegant, combined with black shows contrast and with blue or gray looks gently. Styles vary depending on the characteristics of the interior and the customer's desires. Minimalist furniture silhouettes have become a trend long ago.
In modern world people feel tired of the hustle outdoors and at home they try to avoid overloading their space with unnecessary complex forms because appreciate the simplicity and ease. Therefore styles such as "Art Deco", "Neo - Classical ", "Baroque ", and "Modern" are gradually moving back. Although even today there are true classics lovers who appreciate the design directions mentioned above. Quite often on today's market we can see furniture in the style of "high- tech" (includes the use of new technologies). Much attention will be paid to it in the new year. It is hard to imagine office furniture in this style without additional ergonomic accessories and various lighting, which gives the interior a special atmosphere. Space silhouettes, sliding mechanisms, spacious drawers - each piece is deliberate and measured with engineering accuracy.
In today's design of great importance is the texture of the material whether it is a smooth glossy surface which reflects a thousand hues, or it is a rough surface with a distinct texture and quite noticeable fiber. The perception of the product depends on it. The following year the texture of the material will be given more attention than to the color itself. It is rather difficult to say confidently what colors will be used in the new year often, but most likely will be in favour the contrasting combinations of juicy rich hues, the fantastic performance of achromatic colors with textured or glossy surface or neutral shades combined with the accent spots. For years designers have successfully combined functionalism with aesthetic appearance of the product. When you create any furniture you need to remember that the beauty and practicality of the product should be inseparable concepts. People appreciate the space, light, clear forms. This is reflected in the appearance of the product. Modern life dictates the trends and fashion. Fewer and fewer people enjoy bulky furniture, most common become built-in wardrobes. Nowadays we have less space at our disposal. This requires search of new solutions for the furniture industry . Even having a small area at your disposal you can live not only with comfort but also to have a lot of fun - this can be achieved by transforming modern furniture. Multifunctional furniture is not a new concept, but it plays an important role in our lives, and the demand for such furniture is constantly growing. In addition, in many cases such furniture performs a dual function and offer unexpected opportunities. No less attention is paid to the materials. More and more often the environmentally friendly materials that are not harmful to health are used, and such furniture looks very stylish and makes every interior not only beautiful but also functional.
Irina Kapanadze
«Furniture Style Trading»
Summing up the results of the year we can conclude that the trends in the furniture industry are gradually changing. Our customers more and more often prefer bold color combinations or the ancient classical style.
In the context of the first option - it can be a combination of rich dark colors ( black, dark brown) with the very bright colors ( snow-white, orange, bright red). As to the second option - increasingly our clients are trying to combine modern style with the traditional elements or even to make the entire interior in classic style. In this case as classic they understand the furniture that was used in the interiors of Tsar Russia or the days of the Austro -Hungarian Empire . Our designers are trying to meet our clients interests seeking the most accurate reproduction of the style of that era: the various decorative moldings, gold, silver or black greening, etc. Choosing classic furniture customers prefer natural shades such as : ivory, pearl, etc.
As before, minimalism keeps well its position in the furniture industry. And each day the customers who like this style become more and more aware and demanding: now they do not choose simple straight lines and a minimum of color in the interior. Today they want to order custom-sized products (for example, a wardrobe with the length of 3 m and more, thus, having only two doors in the furniture unit). Hanging systems and interior partitions with the possibility to use new cellular 36/50/100 mm thick plates are in great demand in the market nowadays. Customers show considerable interest in Komandor products, because Komandor furniture allows you to combine the solidity of cabinet furniture facades with the ease of use.
Nataliya Ocheretna
Sales Director
"Komandor Dnipro"
I remember last year when I was trying to organize my thoughts and to concentrate on writing an article, and now I am trying to draw a parallel between the past and the present.
What I would like to mention - of course, the novelties of Komandor company and the first steps in our region of Etiuda system: it was as interesting for us, so for our customers. We had the desire to use it as for the interior doors (preferably with a lock), so for the utility rooms ( closets, balcony niches). An interesting idea of atypical use of angular Lazuryt system become the idea of greenhouse project : that construction could be opened from all the sides, and so on.
There were a lot of interesting projects, not traditional color combinations. What will be in trend this year? Confident leadership take all pastel colors: blue, green, purple - all the colors with soft velvet touch. Significantly increased the demand for mixed textures: main body and part of the facades are made of laminated wood Egger with a strong texture combined with a glossy surface, covered with MDF foil, acrylic paints or lacobel glass. Drawings made using sandblasting technology are losing their popularity, but demand for photo printing increased, and if last year it were the "Night City", "Eiffel Tower", "Cherry Tree", "Orchid", "Waterfall", etc. - so this year have been actively printed macro, flower buds, dew on the grass, strange birds. Quite popular has become children's theme, sometimes not understandable to anyone except the parents and the child. The last thing I remember - pictures on the topic "Halloween " picture of the ancient Istanbul. Also still popular are photos from the personal customer archives.
As for the forms - traditional consoles pass away in the past, people choose either clear, level, solid, or bent, rounded and smooth lines. Customers also quite positively respond to the technology of "artificial stained glass", which can be beneficial for emphasizing the interior and helps to transform the furniture into a true masterpiece. A lot of colored MDF has been used, especially the white one.
So, what colors will be trendy this year? Our predictions include pastel, we are not afraid and combine it with coarse , well highlighted texture, add some accessories and of course, give some additional lighting. Light in Interior is not just a fashion accent but the possibility to change colors.
I would also like to mention accessories. Last year much more attention was paid to it.
Everyone has his own fashion, but the up-to date fashion is the one which is chosen by the most ..
All colleagues, customers, and partners I would like to congratulate with the successful completion of this year and wish you a fruitful cooperation in the next! Health, inspiration, enthusiasm, outstanding events and experiences, creative ideas, family welfare and to do what gives us the ability to implement dreams into life and to create beauty.
Larissa Rybachek
Chief Designer-constructor
"Komandor Lviv"
The following year in the design of wardrobes - compartments will prevail materials of light colors (white, milk, vanilla, coffee). Actual for the facades will remain a combination of wood with a distinct texture (with the strips placed horizontally) with the plain light colors. Returns fashion for gloss. This trend is observed in all styles of furniture.
For the modern style of "minimalism" in which the wardrobe-compartment is the basic construction for storing different things will be common using of thickened large furniture elements (walls, doors) with the minimal profile visibility. The latest Komandor proposals include AERO and ETIUDA systems which exactly meet the requirements of modern design.
Angelina Yerzhova
"Komandor Rivne"
Every year more and more people refuse from the standard cabinets and prefer custom made wardrobes - compartments, because this option allows you to use your space in more economical and functional way and to take into account all the room peculiarities.
Most people when choosing a wardrobe-compartment pay attention to its practicality. During the design consultants and designers try to use the internal space of the cabinet maximally, taking into account the customers' wishes and desires. Last year in demand were built-in constructions, in which some space was given for various household appliances: vacuum cleaners , irons, ironing boards , washing machines, etc. Each year increases the number of customers who order furniture for the whole room - wardrobes, beds, tables, desks, various shelves that complement the interior space. Such projects require special designer's attention.
Last year increased the demand for construction with the use of aluminium Komandor system Anode natural. When our customers choose furniture they most prefer such DSP colors as : dark limba in conjunction with the light limba, maple, wenge and dark walnut. Still in fashion are mirrored facades with the artistic decoration - stained and sand blasting pictures. Increased the number of orders with photo printing, especially with the use of frosted glass, which has several advantages compared to the glossy glass. Also very strong is the tendency of using colored glass of brown and beige hues. Each dwelling of our customers is an exclusive , unique, not like the others, and custom made furniture helps to underline all the advantages of your house. The main part of our work is to create the projects where are taken into account all the tastes and preferences of our clients, so the "exclusivity and individuality" will continue to be the main principle in the design and furniture manufacture in the new year.
Erika Meyhes
Wardrobe is not an item that can be purchased in a few minutes. Of course, there are cabinets with the standard content and size, which are sold in furniture supermarkets. Come and take it, but mostly there is a small and primitive set of colors, without the decorative elements and individual needs of the client are not taken into consideration. Summing up the results of the year, we can surely say that the customer has become more demanding and decisive making the choice. With the help of radio, television and internet communications our client can clearly form his own tastes and preferences, and now he wants to take a direct part in the creation of the wardrobe or dressing room. He is not satisfied with the standard products, he wants his needs and personality were taken into account while creation the furniture and at the same time he wants to have the simplicity and brevity. The client wants the wardrobe to be ergonomic , functional, not just a subject for clothes storage but a full part of the interior that combines beauty and sophistication.
Regarding colors, there is a strong demand for dark, mainly chocolate color especially concerning the glass. As for the wood - it's mostly Wenge combined with white and milky color. Quite popular were "eco-style" wardrobes.
Increased demand for plot design, which is achieved through the transfer of selected patterns or images on large format printing. It can be a picture that was originally applied to the walls of the room, and then continued its theme on the wardrobe-compartment facade. Quite popular are the combinations of glossy facades and textiles used in the manufacture of upholstered furniture. However, the best decoration for today is art glass. It allows you to create sophisticated interior design. Modern technologies make it possible to get a bronze, graphite, colorless glass and other colors that you can combine and decorate, for example, you can apply on the decorated stained glass which the customer chooses according to his own taste and preferences.
I think that will continue to dominate the "Art Deco" style with the somehow "bourgeois" refinement, and "Minimalism" with the inherent to it simplicity and distinctive colors.
More and more customers want to see practicality in the furniture.
This year customers have become more confident in combining the bright colors. They are not afraid to mix rich green and black, purple and white, although still in fashion is a traditional combination of brown with cream. Rarely were used glass and handles in aluminium systems - clients are trying to replace such accessories by the mechanisms for the automatic opening.
Next year trends will be white and beige tones, more natural materials, minimalistic and glossy surfaces.
Mariya Pidgayetska
"Simplicity is the essence of elegance" (Sophia Loren)
This statement will become the main tendency in the next year furniture design. All ingenious is simple, so the actual style is minimalist. But no design direction can absolutely accurately implement the customer's desires into life, so each project is a combination of styles. Among the colors that will be relevant in the new year I would like to highlight white, black, gray and beige. All the bright colors - fuchsia, orange, lime and others will be relevant as accents on the furniture or decorations in the interior. Actual remains gloss.
As many people - so many desires! Each project in the past year was amazing for its uniqueness. The key point may be noted that the wardrobes-compartments were used mainly in the houses. Most customers are looking for practicality and rationality, but nice design is also of great importance. Modern apartments planning enables to allocate a separate place for the dressing room, leaving the other rooms without the furniture. On average over the past year a quarter of ArtDes net orders were dressing rooms. Column system due to its shape and ease was in a great demand. Dark board tones hid behind. Instead light board colors due to the practicality and sophistication were quite widely used in the manufacture of furniture.
We would like to pay your attention to lacobel glass. Every day the demand for this material is growing. Customers appreciated its practicality and unique beauty. Inserts from lacobel of red, black and beige color became the highlight of every product. Kitchen ArtDes with the facades made of this material amazed by the beauty and practicality, and offices made in strict black tone struck by their wealth. Our clients adequately evaluated bedroom sets - wardrobes, beds, chests of drawers, dressing tables, in which our specialists skilfully applied lacobel glass.
More and more often our customers want to order sliding systems without profile. That's why on our opinion, AERO and ETIUDA systems should be in demand the next year.
Pictures of all the interesting projects we place on our site.
Ilona Dryannykh
"Komandor Rivne"
Rhythm of modern life becomes faster and faster, so the peace and comfort at home are really of great value nowadays. As the place where we live is special, all the furnishings and materials must create a comfortable environment in your house or apartment.
The main design ideas of the new season became a combination of luxury, brightness, elegance and functionality. Thus still actual remain classic colors: white, gray, beige, pale green, brown and metallic. Also is welcome a combination of modern, traditional and exotic materials, mixing of the various ethnic styles is also allowed.
The most popular by for the interior walls and wardrobes is stained glass. Beautiful doors of your wardrobe-compartment, being an integral part of the interior, always attract the attention as the hosts so their guests. The main requirements for interior partitions are their practicality in everyday use, strength and durability, and aesthetic beauty that must be combined with the general concept of the area design.
For each of us it is important to implement your own personality and uniqueness in the interior of the house or apartment. Wardrobes facades, doors and partitions will be a real gem of your accommodation, if you use stained glass, polymer resin, various spraying, sandblasting paintings , batik or printing. Due to the light refraction any pattern on the glass reflects a thousand of shimmering edges what makes it living and warm.
Using this multifaceted material that has a variety of textures and colors you can implement even the most daring ideas, thereby setting new trends in design and encouraging the development of the furniture industry.
Ella Zhuy
Last year, most customers ordered built-in wardrobes - compartments, bulky constructions of the cabinet wardrobes almost lost their popularity. Customers began to plan niches in advance, in the process of repair.
DSP color is usually chosen according to the floor (parquet, laminate) or interior doors, mainly dominate pastel colors, the most actual color is Wenge, are chosen interesting textures and colors, clients are not absolutely interested in such colors, as classic Beech, Oak , Walnut, etc.
Regarding facades - the following trends are observed:
pastel shades dominate, quite a lot of beige, white, because most customers paint walls in such colors;
Wenge color is widely used in the interiors, because it goes well with these shades;
mirrors are still very popular;
very rarely chipboard is used for the facade decoration, the same is with Rattan and Bamboo;
glass, especially matte, is a versatile and practical material;
materials of bright and saturated colors are seldom used;
customers interest to photo printing has almost disappeared;
among the paintings on the facade remains popular sandblasting spraying on various glass surfaces and on the colored background.
Speaking of sliding systems, mostly often are ordered profiles of the next colors: Natural, Wenge , rarely - Gold, Champagne, almost never - wood-like (aluminium systems), or the colors white, black, matt gold and matt silver (steel systems). A lot of customers are interested in system ETUDA, looking for something new, interesting and unusual. Especially popular among the customers are massive facades without a visible profile that attract too much attention.
For the dressing room furnishing and filling a Column system is often used, because it is practical, with the aesthetic appearance and the impression of lightness, it does not overload the area what is especially important in a small room. Very rarely we are asked to make a project for a conventional cabinet furniture made of the particle board.
During the last period of time customers have begun to actively show their interest in original and functional accessories for filling-in the wardrobes and dressing rooms, have been increasingly used diverse shelves for the shoes, sliding baskets, hidden mirrors , etc.; much attention has been paid to the guides for drawers and various door closers.
Nataliya Feofanova
More and more attention is paid to the housing, because thanks to it we achieve significant area economy. Among the preferred colors are natural wood pastel colors with an interesting texture or contrasting combination of dark brown and light cream colors. As for the furniture material - more are in fashion are thickened chipboard plates of 28, 38 mm. Popular among the customers are facades of mirrors that help to visually expand the area and give style and elegance to the interior. In great demand glass (lacobel) facades with the color drawings and various combinations of glass and chipboard, and rattan and bamboo plates are slowly going into past.
Galina Zelinska
"Komandor Vinnica"
Modern furniture is the business card of any room. Looking at the furniture we determine how comfortable and cosy is the house or office, we get an overall impression about the owners. Today, aesthetics and longevity of your living room, bedroom or hallway largely depend on the quality of materials and accessories, so you should very responsibly and seriously choose the furniture manufacturer.
Very popular in our region are aluminium systems Agat and Lazuryt (Champagne color) and Lux steel system (Matte Gold). Every year the number of orders for dressing rooms and interior partitions increases. In demand are door facades with the photo printing on glass made using the UF- printing technology, chipboard plates EGGER from Austria and BLUM company accessories.
Irina Kuzyevanova
"Komandor Rivne"
Furniture plays a very important role in the interior, especially in cases when it is made on an individual project. Modern wardrobes-compartments design includes the doors decoration with the various decorative materials that can meet the needs of customers with different tastes and financial possibilities. Mostly our customers order wardrobes - compartments with the facades made of particleboard, photo printing or sandblasting designs. Also are still in fashion surfaces with the inserts from matt or frosted glass. Glass is a relatively heavy material i every sense: processing it requires a lot of time and labor - but the result, for sure, exceeds all the expectations. Glass doors create a visual effect of expanding space, harmoniously complementing even the most sophisticated interior. Such doors are always up-to-date as a decoration, are affordable and look stylish. Regarding the colors - the most popular among the customers is dark Wenge color.
Dzerassa Huseynova
Leading designer, head of the central brand salon
"Komandor Kharkiv"
Nowadays, due to the diversity of the ideas offered by designers , we can choose our own interior style being at the same time in fashion trends. Fashion for furniture is as variable as fashion for clothes. Usually French and Italian furniture dictates fashion for the furniture industry, but in the sphere of materials and technologies the rules dictates Germany. But "Komandor" company was able to prove our customers that our quality and style are at the same level and sometimes even higher than of some other popular European brands.
In the new year the colors and shades of furniture will remain unchanged from bright glossy - to soft pastel. With the materials the situation is different. Natural materials now make look similar to the artificial: glass and wood are often covered with the several layers of varnish, largely colored - and thus " liken" it to plastic. The latter, on the contrary - becomes finer, and includes inclusions from the natural materials, such as glass or pebbles. Still in fashion is (and, probably, for a long period of time will remain to be), like all classic, wood with the good texture. But it is getting darker : dominates black textured or noble brown. In the metallic color gamut prevail warm shades of brass and bronze with a soft sheen. Speaking of designs and forms of the cabinet furniture, among the key trends can be clearly seen the prevalence of a large number of open shelves, niches and stacks. Due to this the construction frame is clearly seen. Regarding colored combinations, the shades of contemporary furniture have become saturated, and the furniture itself - multicolored.
Current trends in the manufacturing and design of cabinet furniture departed significantly from the past stereotypes of Soviet and post-Soviet times. In the hallways, dressing rooms, bedrooms appeared convenient built -in wardrobes compartments instead of the bulky cabinets. For the kitchens furnishing today are used tables and cabinets designed for the mounted household appliances: cooking surfaces, refrigerators, microwave ovens and so on. This allows you to place cabinet furniture in any convenient for you way that best fits the planning of your area: angular, parallel or linear, free or U-shaped, separated or semi-detached. Each of these methods has its own characteristics and advantages providing a coherent furniture ensemble, light and sophisticated cabinet construction. Among the last year projects, the most memorable ones are the ones we were able not only to solve the problem of functionality and practicality, but also to emphasize the individuality of the interior. These are:
- design of a product that combined two functions: of the partition, which included a set of cabinets, bilateral shelves and mezzanines and at the same time it was a safe construction that solved the problem of the room reconstruction;
- a project in which was created a multifunctional product for the children's room that could be easily transformed and solved several problems: of the storage space, place for sleeping and training, also the problem of small room size.
In addition, customers like to decorate the facades of sliding doors by means of photo printing. This greatly changes the appearance of the room and if the image has been chosen successfully it will help the owner to have a rest or to work fruitfully.
Often our customers independently choose the shape, color and texture of the product. The designer's task is to understand what the customer needs and to accurately implement it into reality. We are trying to meet all the consumer's desires, ideas, tastes, preferences and wishes. An individual approach to every customer is the main principle that we follow in our work. Because of this each customer can feel that he is the designer of his own home.