In order to create a harmonious house design you should keep in balance such factors, as: light, color, space and material. The most important element is light, because due to it you can create any atmosphere. But if you want to organize the lighting in your own house in a proper way, you should not only know everything about the switches, plugs and sockets. You should organize everything so that the daylight will fill your home maximally, because it influences your health. Most of his time, approximately 90%, we spend in the room. So you should take care about lighting in your house, because light affects on the functionality of the room, influences on your mood and life activity.
According to the investigators studies, a small amount of light in the room evokes a feeling of oppression and anxiety, because poorly lit areas unconsciously provoke fear. In sufficiently well lit room we can see perfectly what in its term gives us confidence.
During the year the daylight changes, so planning your room design you should take into account this peculiarity, because natural light interacts with the color of the room. For example, such colors as orange, red and brown - absorb light and do not reflect it. And the bright shades of green and blue perfectly reflect light.
The window in the ceiling passes twice more light in comparison with the similar size window in the wall. However, the window in the ceiling can create contrast shades. Daylight color depends on the geography of residence. Our preferences when choosing lamps are also due to the fact where we live and how many days of sunshine a year we have. For example, very popular in UK are good old conventional lamps that with the warm yellow light, but Hong Kong residents choose energy-saving lamps with the cool blue light. And, of course, artificial lighting can not replace sunlight.
Flooring color and texture are really important, because a great amount of light falls on the floor. Yet it must be remembered that the carpet retains and absorbs light. Matt rough surface scatters light evenly throughout the room, but the glossy smooth covering reflects the light on the ceiling and walls.
By placing a mirror opposite the window in the room, we get a lot of light. In addition, the mirror creates optical illusions. Consequently, the more reflecting surfaces are in the room - the more light we get.
Studies show that people who get little sunlight become flabby and sleepy. Residents of London and St. Petersburg rather often suffer from depression. It is because the sun is rare in these regions.
Classic lamp mounted in the ceiling in the center of the room is the main source of light in most homes. But this lighting option has a rather negative influence, because in fact refers us to the past and creates contrast shades. Therefore we recommend to make zones in the room. For example, for the cabinet table you need local lighting. There must be a separate lamp over the bed, zone when you have a rest and relax.
And of course - general light. You should choose a Softbox lamp, which will distribute the light evenly over the entire area of the room giving soft shadows at the same time. A few words about the location of switches. Thinking about the proper placement of the switch consider the convenience of access to it in order to avoid unnecessary movements and efforts. You should have the possibility to easily turn off or turn on the lamp.
Organize light design properly and you will certainly add comfort to your home, enlarge space and increase your room functionality. Also it will help to improve your guests mood and to make your own mood much better.