the unique combination of the modern design technologies and stylistic decoration. This system will be the perfect solution for the production of the interior
The main advantage of the hanging system is the possibility to design huge doors with the width up to 1500 mm which move along the upper rail.
This prevents the floor from the possible damage, keeps it safe and adds to your interior the unique rich and sophisticated notes
Hanging system profiles are designed for the filling with the thickness:
4 mm
4,6 mm
10 mm
Profiles are available in the colour Anode Natural (AN)
Materials for the facade can be:
panels from natural wood
particle boards
MDF boards
different types of safety glass (clear, opaque, varnished, etc.)
There are two types of the aluminium hanging system:
single system
double system
Single hanging system
gives you the possibility to produce doors with the unilateral filling in one door and to create subdivisions on different levels
Single hanging system allows to mount a hidden handle which can be fixed from one side or on the both door sides, using the appropriate connecting batten: single or double
Door width in the system should vary from 600 mm to 1500 mm.
Maximum 1 door weight is 50 kg
Double hanging system
gives an opportunity to make doors with the various filling from the both sides and to create subdivisions from the both facade sides on different levels
In the double hanging system there is a possibility to combine different materials on every side of the partition of the next type:
«board to board»
«board to glass»
«glass to glass»
Two types of handles have been designed for the double system:
1) hidden
2) cassette
It is possible to mount different handles from the both sides
The doors width in the system can vary from 600 to 1500 mm.
Maximum 1 door weight is 90 kg
Sliding mechanisms, or rollers are almost the most important elements of the hanging system. On their quality mainly depends the furniture reliability and exploitation time.
Specially designed for the hanging system sliding lower roller provides the smooth doors movement and perfect floor appearance.
The unique peculiarity of all the Komandor systems are rollers designed according to the innovative technology. Rollers are produced from the wear resistant plastic and are equipped with the bearings.
Casters made of the soft plastic on the top rollers provide the quiet work of the mechanism and smooth sliding of the doors
There is a possibility to fix closers which easily slow down the doors and carefully close it
There is a possibility to fix the upper rail to the ceiling or to the wall
In order to hide system construction details we produces two types of mask batten according to the way of fixing
Doors in the hanging system are of light construction what provides their smooth and easy sliding. Technical door specifications enable making of different stylistic and texture combinations on the door facade what, in its turn helps to create the unique design types while the planning of the room
Interior partitions are often used in the private houses and flats while dividing the space into he zones, also in the process of the room redevelopment. Interior partitions can separate bedroom from the dressing room, kitchen from the dining room, hall from the living room etc.
Hanging doors often play the role of the interior partition between the cabinet and conference-hall or reception room.
You can often find such design in the offices
An interesting designer's decision can be installing of the hanging systems in the elite dwellings and apartments when the owners want to combine modern style with the authentic style of the ancient epoch
There are many ways of Hanging system usage and everything depends on the wishes of the house dwellers or desires of the office renter, taking into consideration the technical room specifications
Hanging system has been designed taking into account the newest tendencies in the world design and it can be used almost everywhere.
Hanging construction enable to save space, to underline unity and room size
Interior partitions not only divide your room on the zones in the best possible way, but it is also a very interesting and original option for the interior decoration which is often used by the designers in the modern house furnishing