Universal system that is designed for fitting different types of apartments, niches and walk-in wardrobes of closed type
Practical and convenient in use system with natural design, which during a long exploitation time in the market had deserved vast popularity among the customers
The main element of the design in rod system is the chrome rod with a diameter of 25 mm and according to it are the connecting elements are designed. They enable installation of shelves from the board of 18 mm or safety glass of 6 mm and 8 mm to the rods, creating a construction for rooms of various configurations and sizes
Rod system in walk-in wardrobe allows to place and combine with each other cabinets made of 18 mm chipboard, various types of boxes, mini chests of drawers and accessories and thus functionally organize space
Rod system allows to use in the best way the given area taking into account the peculiarities of premises planning, and open shelving constructions give an easy access to all things and keep them fresh
due to the constant air circulation