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Rod system

Universal system that is designed for fitting different types of apartments, niches and walk-in wardrobes of closed type

Practical and convenient in use system with natural design, which during a long exploitation time in the market had deserved vast popularity among the customers

The main element of the design in rod system is the chrome rod with a diameter of 25 mm and according to it are the connecting elements are designed. They enable installation of shelves from the board of 18 mm or safety glass of 6 mm and 8 mm to the rods, creating a construction for rooms of various configurations and sizes

Furniture made using rod system can be placed in the center of the room, near the walls and in a free zone

Another design decision is the ability to create a single installation, connecting rod construction with other types of cabinet furniture (such as wardrobes, cabinets,
chests of drawers)

wardrobe and cabinet furniture

All construction elements (shelves, hanger rods) in rod system are attached to each other vertically and horizontally using special connectors



The system makes it possible to mount the horizontal hanger rod at a 90º angle in the case of fitting angular room, along the several walls

Types of system fastening create a lot of opportunities for the layout of various rod constructions based on
technical characteristics of the room

Rod system is mounted in the position floor – ceiling with the help
of special feet

Maximum height of rod construction can be up to
3000 mm

Size of shelves from the
18 mm board is:

width – 400-1000 mm,
depth – 300-500 mm

Maximum shelf loading – 25 kg

Size of shelves from safety glass
(6 mm and 8 mm) are:

width – 400-600 mm,
depth – 300-500 mm

Maximum shelf loading – 10 kg

Rod system in walk-in wardrobe allows to place and combine with each other cabinets made of 18 mm chipboard, various types of boxes, mini chests of drawers and accessories and thus functionally organize space

wardrobe construction with accessories

From a practical point of view, these items should be placed at the bottom part of the construction,
and in the upper part – the shelves and hanger rods

Rod system allows to use in the best way the given area taking into account the peculiarities of premises planning, and open shelving constructions give an easy access to all things and keep them fresh
due to the constant air circulation

functional shelving constructions

It is easy as to install
so to dismantle this system, what is appropriate in the case of transferring to another room or while re-planing of existing one

Very often rod system is used in
dressing rooms in the apartments,
private homes, cottages

house arrangement with the using of rod system from Komandor

In the industrial field system
also found its
application in particular:

  • arrangement of exhibition stands, cabinets, racks for the demonstration of goods;
  • arrangement of cabinets, offices, libraries;
  • arrangement of mini storages, warehouses and pharmacies

Rod system will be feasible in the trade department for goods presentation,
what is really important for consumers of light industry, cosmetics, haberdashery and medical industry

Regardless of the location and aim rod construction always looks stylish, elegant, provides comfort and convenience in daily use


wardrobe on
